somewhere but nowhere

Google Street View around the world

It always happens when you are not allowed to do something, invariably, this vital need to do it sneaks up in our mind. It's strange the way the human brain works sometimes, but not being able to travel during the pandemic lockdown created in me this irrepressible urge to want to go far away, more than it used to be.
Unable to do so, like everyone else, I did it virtually via google street view. The opportunities for exploration are endless, I always loved google earth when I wanted to do some extraterrestrial travel.
I wanted to photograph those places dear to me that I could not physically reach, of course imagination was central to the visual journey, and the narrative was liberally left open.

I started at my grandparents' hometown in southern Italy, after I was in the brightest street in Paris. Navigating back and forth in this infinite digital space, I could feel the freedom through my eyes, the clouds and the pale sky merge into the background of Mount Etna, while the horizon disappears behind vast green hills.